10 Misconceptions About Water Softeners

If you have hard water coming in through the taps, then a water softener is something that you need to invest in. But you may be hearing all kinds of things about water softeners and some of them may be not true. Here are some common things about water softener systems that are misconceptions at best.

Myths About Water Softening Systems

Water Softeners Make The Water Salty

This is probably the most common misconception out there related to water softeners. What’s even more surprising is that people believe it to no end. This leads to them not buying water softeners when they need it for softening bulk volumes of hard water.

Here’s the thing: Yes, salt is used in the ion exchange process and the sodium ions from salt are replaced by the hard calcium and magnesium ions, but without changing the primary composition of water.

Sodium is completely neutral and anyone who has a slight idea about chemistry would know that sodium alone tastes nothing like salt. Hence, the water from water softener doesn’t taste salty at all and this misconception is buried under the soil with the help of science, so you know that it’s right.

Water Softeners Should Always Be Running

This is also another misconception that leads people to believe that water softeners waste a lot of power. Well, that isn’t true. A water softener doesn’t run all the time. There two occasions when it uses electricity. One is when the water is being softened and that doesn’t take long and the second is when the regeneration cycle is performed to help regenerate the resin bed and that’s pretty much it.

See! A water softener not always running on electricity and after softening a said amount of water, the assembly will stop automatically. You can choose to shut it down manually, but keeping it automatic so much easier. So, the takeaway is that water softeners don’t use heaps of power as everyone believes they do. They are not HVAC systems.

Water Softeners Are Expensive

Many people believe that water softeners are expensive, and while water softening systems are not a cheap investment by any means, that doesn’t mean they’re going to put a dent in your wallet and not do the job perfectly.

Yes, the installation cost of water softeners is more expensive than average water filters or other purification assemblies, but every single one of them has a different purpose that you need to understand. Water softeners work differently and filters do the complete opposite. It’s up to your preference and requirements. Consider what you need for your house.

In case you need help, water filtration system providers offer a free water test that determines the impurities in your water. You can move forward with that information in hand.

Salt Used In Water Softeners Is Hard To Find And Buy

Most water softeners are salt-based, and people think that the salt used in these machines is not available easily. Well, that’s far from the truth. Usually, table salt or salt tablets are used in water softeners.

Table salt is readily available and it’s also quite cheap making it an efficient regeneration agent. Some people prefer blocks of salt since they don’t dissolve faster and those are pretty easily available too. It’s up to you what you want to use.

Water Softeners Don’t Last Long

This is probably the most comical misconception out there. Water softeners will last anywhere between 10-25 years depending on the quality you buy and how you maintain it. This is a fair amount of time, then why is this misconception popular? Because many people don’t maintain their water softener and their system fails sooner than later.

No appliance or machine can last long if they are ignored and not taken care of. Yes, a water softener won’t last long if you don’t clean out the tank, and check the valves and elbows and bends of the pipes, and clean it regularly. So, this means if you maintain your water softener well, it can last for at least 10 years.

Salt-Free Water Softeners Are Better

There are primarily two types of water softeners out there. There are salt-based water softeners and salt-free water softeners. The former uses salt as the primary ion exchange agent and is the most common variant, while the other uses neutral ions or resin as the exchange agent.

Salt-based water softeners are still the better option from the lot because of the effectiveness with which the hardness-causing ions are removed. Salt-free water softeners aren’t as common and there have been a lot of complaints regarding the water still being hard even after treatment. So, you know which one is the best now.

Soft Water Is Oily

Many people will complain that their bodies feel oily and slick after using soft water and that there is a film left. Well, that’s not because of soft water. See, there are a lot of natural oils in your skin that can make their presence known once you wash your body or hands with water that doesn’t have high amounts of calcium and magnesium.

Even though you might love the feel of squeaky clean hands, that’s not the best because the harsh chemicals in water are stripping the skin of its natural moisture. Soft water retains the moisturizer in your skin and that’s what you feel after washing your hands or body with the treated water.

Water Softeners Remove Important Minerals

A water softener removes nothing but the calcium and magnesium. You might be thinking that drinking hard water is good for your body because it contains “calcium” and “magnesium”. Hate to break it to you but that’s not true.

The calcium and magnesium present in hard water isn’t absorbed or broken down by the gut and it can lead to more issues than anything. This is why treating hard water is a must if you don’t want your gut to be upset or your plumbing, faucets, and dishwasher to get clogged with limescale.

Water Softeners Are Noisy

This is another thing that people don’t appreciate about water softeners and it can cause them to not buy water softeners altogether. Here’s the truth: Water softeners don’t make any sound, so you can take a deep breath that your precious ears are safe from an auditory disaster

The only “noise” a water softener makes is when it’s turned on and there might be a slight churning or gurgling sound when the water is just starting to soften and that’s pretty much it. There’s no ruckus, no rackety noises, and no earthquake inside a water softener, so you can rest assured.

Water Softeners Are Hard To Maintain

Water softeners are pretty easy to maintain, however, they can become a pain in the neck, if you don’t maintain them frequently. This is where you can presume that this misconception becomes true. Well, don’t let it and clean out the brine tank, the sludge from the bottom of the tank, and the pipes and valves timely to make the water softener run smoothly.


Water softeners are amazing and these misconceptions shouldn’t make you think otherwise. So, kick the myths to the side and consider water softener installation Warren because if you have hard water in your taps, then you need it.