Why Does My Tap Water Have A Metallic Taste?

Tap water can have lots of impurities in it. Some of these things can alter the taste of water and make it taste weird. For these problems, various types of water filtration systems are used. If your water tastes like metal, here are some possible causes and associated solutions.

Top Reasons For Metallic Taste In Tap Water

There’s Iron In The Water

The most common cause of a metallic taste in water is the presence of iron. Iron is a metal that can get easily mixed with water. It can either be present in the form of suspended particles or there might even be traces of it in the water. Regardless, it can turn your water murky with a tinge of red and there will be a pronounced metallic taste, which is not harmful per se, but it’s anything but pleasant to drink.

So, if you see that your water is turning slightly red, pink, or brown and it has a metallic taste and smell, then it’s probably iron. Iron has lots of ways to creep into the water. It is present in the soil, the pipes from which your water is supplied, and the list goes on.

The Pipes Are Corroded

The next important bit that can make your water to taste metallic and overall unpleasant is the pipes. If your pipes are corroded from the outside, you can only imagine what it will be like on the inside. So, if your pipes haven’t been changed for a long time, then it’s probably a good idea to get them replaced because the corrosion might be causing your water to get contaminated and taste metallic and weird.

This is a long process, but it will give you peace of mind for years to come and you’ll have safe and clean water coming from the taps and faucets.

Presence Of Zinc

Zinc can also be the reason why your water is imparting a metallic taste. Usually, zinc is found in water pipes and even underground and it can find its way easily in water. The problem with zinc is that even though it’s not harmful by any means, it’s not visible in water, unlike other metals that impart a different color to it.

This doesn’t happen with zinc, although you’ll be able to smell the metal in the water. It’s a very slight metallic smell that’s sharp and hits you in the back of your nose.

Copper Might Be The Culprit

Another metal that can cause bad taste in tap water is copper. This one is also easy to detect because of the color it imparts in the water. If there’s copper in your tap water, then you might be able to see the water turn either red or green based on the type of copper ion present in the water.

Some copper ions will turn the water slightly bluish green and some will turn the water red as is the case with iron. Copper is also used in a lot of metal pipes, so it’s very easy for it to get mixed in with the water and impart a weird taste.

Lead Equals Metallic

One of the most dangerous metals that could be present in water, and that is harmful for the human body as well as other living beings, is lead. Lead is also a metal that can’t be detected in water physically. You’ll need to have a water test done to determine whether there is lead in your drinking water or not.

Lead can go into the body and cause cell mutation, stomach ulcers, and kidney damage. Moreover, lead can poison the water reserves, especially if they’re near an industrial dumping ground and that is not the water you want to drink.

How To Get Rid Of The Metallic Taste In Tap Water?

Now that you know why your water tastes metallic, here are some things you can try out to get rid of the taste.

Get A Water Report

If you suspect that there’s lead in your water and you want to be sure before you employ any water filtration or purification method, you should go to your local water supply office and request a report. You can also have a private company test your water. The water report will tell you about all of the minerals that are in it and then you can decide which method of purification is the best for you.

It’s better to know what you need first than to spend your money on things that might not work, so take things in line and get the results. You’ll solve the problem in no time.

Install A Water Filter

One of the best things you can do to get rid of the metallic taste in the water, is to get a water filter. A water filter works like a fine mesh sieve and it filters out all of the metal particles leaving behind clean and clear water with no metallic taste or smell whatsoever.

You can get a bunch of filters from almost anywhere and they’re available in a lot of variety. There are special metal removal filters as well and you can get those for your house too.

Get Your Pipes Checked

If the metallic taste of water is because of the pipes in your house, then you probably need to get them replaced. Pipes, after 10 to 15 years, can get corroded and it’s up to you to change them timely so that the water coming from these pipes isn’t contaminated or altered in taste.

This is why looking after your pipes and changing them when you see visible corrosion is important. You will save yourself from the trouble in the future and you’ll have clean and safe drinking water with zero metallic taste.

Let The Water Run For A Bit

Sometimes, the water can get agitated especially if there’s a lot of air in the pipes and this can lead to water spitting from the taps. This can cause the water to get murky and have metal particles in it. So, if that’s the case, then you want to run the water for a bit. It usually goes away after a couple of seconds.

If you’re apprehensive about wasting water, then you can store the murky water and dump it in the garden or plants. In this way, you’re not wasting a lot of water and you’ll also get rid of the murky water.

Call The Professionals

Most homeowners can’t perform plumbing and related tasks like expert plumbers. So, it’s better to pick up your phone and call in the big guys. They will have a much better idea about what you’re dealing with and they can solve the issue faster and more efficiently. Yes, you’ll need to spend a bit more money, but you’ll get the problem solved faster.


Tap water shouldn’t normally be metallic in taste, so if it is, then you need to get to the bottom of the problem and come up with a solution. If you can afford it, installing a whole house water filtration Warren system is an excellent solution for this. However, if the plumbing of your house is corroded, you will need to have it replaced which can be an expensive process.